Intelligent Ice - Merging nature and generative design



A motion video showcasing the findings of the project


Nature produces limitless iterations of a same element. The diverse forms of leaves and intricate structures of snowflakes showcase an inspiring creativity. One object, infinite possibilities—a prodigious generative force. Could then nature’s generative potential be harnessed as a creative resource?

︎︎︎Image 01

Morphing between the different shape results

︎︎︎The process

The aim was to create an automated system able to harness nature's infinite production of similar shapes and generate novel structures. Six snowflakes from the Manolo&Lee classification chart were randomly chosen and automatically transformed into vector paths with 300 points each. Points could expand up to 100 times in three directions (vertical, horizontal, or 45° diagonal) based on their original positions, offering endless structural possibilities.

︎︎︎Image 01

Starting from an existing snowflake shape, a new structure grows